Dance Bridges Festival Open Call

March 11, 2020

Dance Bridges Festival invites international artists to apply for its second edition in Kolkata, India, from August 22-29, 2017. This Festival is a new platform to showcase exciting contemporary choreography through performances, workshops and films. Artists can also engage in a residency project, internships, artist talks and other community/outreach events.

Where: Kolkata, India


Application Process: Professional dance companies & independent artists/dancers/choreographers from India and abroad may apply.

The work should reflect contemporary trends in choreography, applications from different dance styles are welcome. The Festival offers performances across different kinds of venues: large/small-scale theatre, site-specific and intimate studio settings. Criteria for the work presented: solo (10-12 minutes), duet/trio (10-20 minutes), group of maximum 6 dancers (15-30 minutes). Full length solo/duet work from 40-55 minutes can also be submitted. Please consider that full length works will primarily be considered for intimate settings.

Performances should not contain nudity, abusive language, overtly sexual or religiously sensitive content. A black linoleum dance floor will be provided for larger venues. Performances should not make use of heavy sets/props and allow a simple get-in and get-out. Digital projection facilities will be available however artists must indicate their requirements at an early stage. Basic lighting will be provided balancing the overall needs of all artists performing on the night.

Please note that performances are entirely free of charge. Dance Bridges Festival is unable to provide performance fees to artists however the Festival endeavours to support participants whilst in Kolkata to its best capacity and ensure a creatively exciting, vibrant cultural exchange and pleasant stay in the city. Selected candidates for the showcase series may be asked to contribute to the outreach programme and teach an open workshop during the festival where appropriate.

Applicants need to submit a resume, a description of the work, credits of all artists involved including music and a full length video of the proposed work(s). Please include lighting and other technical requirements also mentioning preference regarding the type of venue. Applicants can only submit a maximum of 3 works. For the open workshop please include a description of the proposed activity. All applications will be reviewed by an international programming committee and selected artists will receive an invitation letter by the end of December 2016.

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