Dance the stress away! – Eva Markeh

May 12, 2020

A year after being recommended ballroom dance as a fun way to workout, Karin pushed through the initial fear of the unknown and fell in love with it.

Having started out with only latin dances, Karin now dances 3 styles and competes on a regular basis!

Bottom line: Coaching as a business tool continues to gain legitimacy, but the fundamentals of the industry are still in flux. In this market, as in so many others today, the old saw still applies: Buyer beware!

There’s no question that future leaders will need constant coaching. As the business environment becomes more complex, they will increasingly turn to coaches for help in understanding how to act. The kind of coaches I am talking about will do more than influence behaviors; they will be an essential part of the leader’s learning process, providing knowledge, opinions, and judgment in critical areas. These coaches will be retired CEOs or other experts from universities, think tanks, and government.

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